Homepage | Edited August 2021

How to use a custom archinstall if the main installer is broken

At the time of writing, archinstall is broken for me. If the pull request hasn't been merged it can be fixed by using the patch in the pull request which can be done with the following commands.

  1. git clone -b patch-2 https://github.com/l4zy0n3/archinstall.git (-b is for the branch name)
  2. cd archinstall
  3. python setup.py install
  4. python -m archinstall

The installer didn't let me make a user account. If this happens login with user: root | password:(whatever you set it up to be) and make a new account with your desktop enviroments user setting panel (e.g. GNOME settings) or the terminal. To let the new user sudo:

  1. su
  2. gedit /etc/sudoers
  3. Uncomment the # below the "Uncomment to allow members of the group wheel command" line